Antrim and Newtownabbey Launch New Youth Programme

Antrim and Newtownabbey Launch New Youth Programme

Last Update: Friday, 21st June 2024 18:48

A new initiative designed to inspire school-age residents to achieve more and prevent those at risk from leaving education without a clear destination has been launched. The Inspo Programme encompasses a variety of projects including industry visits, career guidance, ambassador case studies and interactive workshops. These initiatives are tailored to provide young residents with valuable insights and experiences, helping them to imagine and pursue fulfilling career paths.

To mark the launch, Antrim and Newtownabbey Labour Market Partnership, funded by the Department for Communities (DfC), hosted students from four local schools at Mossley Mill for an exploration of careers in the Northern Health and Social Care Trust (NHSCT).

Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey, Councillor Neil Kelly, a registered nurse with over 40 years’ experience in Health and Social Care said; “I am honoured to participate in this event and to see the wonderful examples of career pathways within the NHSCT from our speakers today. It is great to see so many students here today who are interested in learning more about this key sector.

Lindsay Taylor, who sits on the Labour Market Partnership and organised the event commented; “It is so important to promote the NHSCT as an employer of choice and raise awareness about the diverse career opportunities available. To have the Northern Regional College at the event was great and the students got excellent information on the courses that are available”.

The Inspo programme’s launch event successfully highlighted the commitment of the Antrim and Newtownabbey Labour Market Partnership to support young people in their career journeys and to strengthen the local workforce. The exit interviews confirmed the success with over 90% of students stating they had better awareness of local careers and routes to employment, and 100% of teachers providing positive feedback on the organisation and information provided during the event.

For further information on the programme, or to find out more about upcoming events, E

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